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Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

The Team - Wibiya Blog, I Heart Them

Dror Ceder is Co-CEO and Co- founder of Wibiya and completely addicted to all things “Wibiya”.

During non-Wibiya hours Dror enjoys playing squash, trekking mountain and most of all clearing his mind on the cliffs of Arsuf, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. His two favorite things besides his wife Valerie are mountain peaks and laughter. He is desperately trying to overcome is his first-thing-in-the-morning iPhone addiction, checking emails and latest sports news. He loves listening to music and watching movies and his favorite quote is by George Bernard Shaw:

“You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, “Why not?”
Avi Smila is CTO & Co-founder of Wibiya.
Avi breaths, eats and lives all technical, visual and behavioral aspects of Wibiya’s product and works around the clock (with the team) to deliver the best product possible.

Asked to describe himself, Avi has said:

Tech savvy, Internet addict, Web-design freak, Art director, Flash master, UI / UX expert, Geek extraordinaire, Amateur animator, Nonsense Humorist, Mild-agnostic, Cat lover, Book worm, Sci-Fi enthusiast, Bass player, Calm vegetarian and a Rastaman.
Daniel Tal is Co-CEO and Co- founder of Wibiya.
After serving 5 years as a Captain in the Israeli navy, Daniel returned to shore and connected to the Internet. After finding Dror and Avi, Daniel realized the potential a small skillful team has in making its mark on the web. Together they embarked on a journey to build and develop Wibiya.

Daniel spends his vacations windsurfing and trekking through exotic spots around the world with his spouse Michal. To clear his mind, he swims 3 times a week and listens to audio books during his 125 miles drive from home to the office and back. Daniel lives in a small Moshav in the South of Israel, where the air is cleaner and his two dogs can run free.

Nir Buschi is VP Business Development at Wibiya.
Nir’s passion for technology, product design, business and everything in between is what drives him to building & working in start-ups.

Nir leads strategic partnerships and bizdev efforts for Wibiya and holds the team record for living closest to Wibiya HQ – right across the street!

In his free time, you’ll find him out playing Ultimate Frisbee or running long distance. But above all, Nir and his wife Ayelet love to play with their amazing baby boy.

Omer Granot is Wibiya’s integration team leader.
He is the lean mean fighting machine that makes all our fantastic applications tick. Omer is also the proud father of 2, and Wibiya’s moral compass.

Omer has strong ideological beliefs that include eating schnitzel and snacks all day and he is very dedicated to his work. His motto in life: Don’t break.

Itai Nathaniel is a 26 years old PHP developer from Tel Aviv. After normal office hours, during which he writes semantic XHTML pages with CSS and JS, he likes to code some more while drinking his coffee, blogging, driving, walking, cooking and playing snooker.
He takes care of his beloved parrot Poly every day, he loves his iPhone
3G S 4 and the incredible application selection on it as well as his MacBook Pro. Oh, and he’s also a pilot.

Itzik Paz is Wibiya’s R & D Manager, Chief Architect.
Itzik is 30 yrs old with more than 10 years experience in development and a deep fascination with software, hardware and networking. Itzik is currently oversees the entire development team, product servers and services.

In his spare time he loves to watch sci-fi movies, TV shows, play computer games, program, watching the stars and other geeky stuff

Brain: Here we are, Pinky–at the dawn of time!
Pinky: Narf, Brain. Wake me at the noon of time.

Benyamin Shoham is a one man show, currently leading our developer’s platform. 
Benny has 15 years of experience in the software industry and also owned an online music sales website back in 2000. He also a wonderful wife and 3 children.

When he isn’t reviewing new applications for the Wibiya developer’s platform he is practicing Chinese medicine and trading stocks. Although all these things keep him busy, he is also currently working on a trading algorithm based on the I-Ching.”

Michael Dragatski is Wibiya’s web team leader and resident joker.
He has a BSC degree in computerscience and 5 years of experience in development.

He loves music, and plays both the guitar and keyboards, He love movies, especially musicals and horror films and he’s also a gamer and a PS3 hugger.
Michael’s favorite drink is Guinness beer and his favorite quote is:

“Mind what people do, not only what they say, for deeds will betray a lie.”
Moran Matyash is Wibiya’s SEO and Community manager and is also responsible for updating the content on the website. She has a BA in film art and has several years experience in web content from a variety of angles. When she’s not browsing through facebook looking for new tricks and gadgets she’s playing her piano and writing new songs. 
She also has the cutest puppy in the world, her sidekick Sancho Pancho, who follows her around the city as she takes pictures of graffiti she likes.

Yakov Kricounets is a 30 year old PHP web developer and a member of the Wibiya Team and an integral part of the toolbar building process.
Yakov also has a cool Labrador dog called Sam, who is also an important part of Wibiya team.

His after work activities include fishing with his brother, playing Airsoft, playing FPS and spending time with his lovely new wife.

Naty Rabin is 29 years young.
He is Wibiya’s business development analyst – which basically means that he identifies, negotiates and manages new partnerships.

He holds a BA in political science and is currently studies towards his MA in counter-terrorism and Homeland security (he wants to be Jack Bauer when he grows up…).

When he’s not finding new opportunities for Wibiya or trying to meet deadlines at school, you’ll probably find him playing his XBOX, hanging with friends and watching TV (Seinfeld and Friends are his favorites)
Oh and he’s the funniest person you’ll ever meet…

Itay Zvulun is Wibiya’s resident web & apps designer. When he’s not fine-tuning new icons for the Wibiya icon bank he is heading his own funk hip-hop band, “Tunaman Jones”. He also performs around Tel-Aviv and is currently recording his 2nd album.

In his free time he rhymes and draws cartoons. The most memorable day of his life was the day he was thrown out of a Chinese bar by two Mongologian thugs called Alpha.

Gilad Tabachnik is our support team leader with a Bsc in Information Systems.

When he’s not answering a slew of technical questions and working hard at improving and perfecting Wibiya’s support system he likes to go into the wild, cycling or roller skating throughout the country.

He also has a crazy cat called Yoyo, plays the guitar and makes killer sushi.

Alon Carmel, who is a self taught web developer, has always been an entrepreneur, building user generated content web apps way back in the late 90’s, before web 2.0 was even conceived. In 2001 he opened a music portal called and since then has developed numerous other websites including, and many more.

Alon won the Techcrunch50 top 50 reward for his company ‘devunity’ as well as Microsoft’s Most Promising Startup and other awards.

His hobbies include loving his wife, swimming, surfing and playing with his dog Layla whom he adopted from SOS.

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