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Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

Conceptual Physics 11th Edition by Paul G. Hewitt (ebook)

Di dalam edisi 11 Conceptual Physics ini terdapat konten yang berfokus pada aplikasi fisika dan fitur pedagogical terkini. Diantara topik yang ada dalam buku ini addalah: seputar Science, Newton’s First Law of Motion: Inertia, Linear Motion, Newton’s Second Law of Motion: Force and Acceleration Newton’s Third Law of Motion: Action and Reaction, Momentum, Energy, Rotational Motion, Gravity, Projectile and Satellite Motion Atomic Nature of Matter, Solids, Liquids, Gases and Plasmas, Temperature, Heat and Expansion, Heat Transfer, Change of Phase Thermodynamics, Vibrations and Waves, Sound, Musical Sounds, Electrostatics, Electric Current, Magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction, Properties of Light, Color, Reflection and Refraction, Light Waves, Light Emission, Light Quanta, The Atom and the Quantum, Atomic Nucleus and Radioactivity, Nuclear Fission and Fusion, Special Theory of Relativity, General Theory of Relativity Appendices Market: Intended for those interested in learning the basics of conceptual physics.
Conceptual Physics 11th edition by Paul G. Hewitt
Sampul Buku Conceptual Physics

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