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Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Japanese Lessons on NHK World: Lesson 6/50

Every Monday night is time for me to study Japanese. This is the 6th week of my Japanese Lessons on NHK World. The last lesson: Lesson 6, I studied about conversation of this conditions: "After going to the bank, I'll come to the office."


Kuon tells his boss about his schedule for tomorrow. It seems Kuon is planning to go somewhere tomorrow morning.

Kuon: ASHITA NO ASA, SHIYAKUSHO TO GINKÔ NI ITTE KARA, KAISHA NI KIMASU. (Besok pagi saya akan datang ke kantor setelah dari kantor walikota dan bank.)

Bucho: SÔ DESU KA. GOZENCHÛ NI SHIYAKUSHO TO GINKÔ DESU NE. (Oh begitu. Jadi pagi harinya Anda akan pergi ke kantor walikota dan ke bank, ya?)

Kuon: HAI. GINKÔ DE KÔZA O HIRAKIMASU. (Ya, saya akan membuka rekening di bank.)

*) Saat menggambarkan dua tindakan secara berurutan, kita harus mengubah akhiran ––masu pada kata kerja pertama menjadi ––te. Contoh: ikimasu (pergi) → itte; kimasu (datang) → kite; tabemasu (makan) → tabete

** Sayonara ;-)

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